Superstore - Season 3

Michael Yarish / NBC

Last week, Superstore forced Dina to relax and made everyone else play a weird prank on Amy where they told her she was a 2.

I mean, it wasn’t a prank per se, but it has to have been because I mean have you seen America Ferrera?


  • She gets hit on by some rando and is taken so off guard that she kills a groundhog
  • Everyone makes fun of her and makes her feel bad about herself and how hot she is
  • So Amy makes it her mission to prove to them that she’s a hottie (which, like, she is)
  • She goes out with and hooks up with Tate, who everyone thinks is a 10, to prove that she too is a 10
  • This leads to some jealousy within the store and reminds Jonah that he loves her, which was a nice change from the Kelly nonsense.
Superstore - Season 3

Michael Yarish / NBC

Jonah & Kelly

  • Jonah takes over the announcements when Garrett steps in as assistant manager while Dina is resting (I’ll get to that in a sec)
  • He thinks he’ll be good at matching Garrett’s magic tone but unsurprisingly he is not
  • Kelly steps in as his co-host and they turn the announcements into their own personal podcast that no one would listen to if they had a choice
  • It’s cute I guess, Kelly still annoys me and she’s in the way of JonAmy so


  • The implantation of the embryo has officially happened and instead of resting, Dina goes to work that same day
  • Upon seeing her on her feet, Glenn freaks out and insists she rest
  • He takes her into the outdoor furniture section and sits her down
  • Dina has a really hard time with this but then something changes in her, turning her into a born relaxer who honestly might never leave her lawn chair.

Superstore will be back March 1st – after the Winter Olympics – on NBC

Superstore - Season 3

Michael Yarish / NBC