
Maybe this isn’t easier than wrestling. Photo Credit: Arrow/CW

Any wrestling fans would immediately recognize Cody Runnels, (Playing Derek Sampson) who was trying to sell “Stardust” in the city, and any WWE wrestling fans would recognize the play on words, as he was formerly known as Stardust, however he is no longer with the company. In any case Derek Sampson is moving stardust on the streets, but not doing enough to disturb Church to get retaliation. Oliver gets a lead on where the headquarter is, but Wild Dog couldn’t wait, and convinces Black Canary to go with him for some recon, but Wild Dog has no patience and starts attacking everyone inside. At the end of the battle, Wild Dog isn’t able to fully contain Sampson and he falls into a stardust liquid bath. When Oliver finds out he is upset, they had set up that Sampson would be the key to find the mastermind for the drug ring but that is now blown.

While this is happening Thea Queen is getting played by the local news, she has offered the deputy Mayor’s job to former Police Chief Lance, but as we know he is now a drunk and the press from that is very damaging. Thea tries to fix the issue by talking to the reporter but it only made things worse as the reporter announced that Oliver is leading asleep at the wheel not knowing what is happening in his reign. Thea realizes she got played and said that she is going to make an announcement and give her resignation for damaging his reign.

John Diggle after being blackmailed is back in America in prison. When he is placed he swears he is bunked up with Deadshot. It’s possible he lost his mind, or needs to imagine someone to talk to to keep his sanity. They, or perhaps Diggle, has a conversation about what happened, and how Andy is now dead because of Diggle. Lyla visits Diggle a couple times, hears his story, and later on is surprised that he isn’t going to fight the charges and is concerned when Diggle talks about having a bunk mate who is not there.


You are my best imaginary friend. Photo Credit: Arrow/CW

Derek Sampson comes back with the drug perk like you see on Grand Theft Auto with super strength and an immunity to any pain. He fights lots of cops at the hospitals and bullets aren’t affecting him. He lays the lumber on Arrow and wins the round. Sampson knows how to use the drug to create a like minded group of super soldiers for an army to take back the streets from Church. Knowing that Sampson is creating an army, Oliver Queen knows that he also will need a team to counteract them, and is ready to let his rag tag team join him in stopping the group from getting all the liquid super power drugs they need.
The team joins Arrow in the field, able to stop the thugs, and to blow up the warehouse, all the while Arrow is able to find a way to slow down Sampson enough, by shooting arrows into his tendons. He tells him even though he might not feel pain, he still needs his tendons in tact to be able to walk and fight. Ragman is amazing, and might be the most powerful on the team right now to be quite honest, while Mr. Terrific got a new mask for his outfit and is not as awkward in the field.

On the campaign front Thea is about to give her speech and resignation when Oliver says he has an announcement to make first, he doesn’t want someone on his team he doesn’t trust. He goes and makes a public statement that anything done by a member of his team under his watch is his decision and the buck stops with him. He trusts his team and the decisions they make on his behalf and that includes having Lance as the Deputy Sheriff, it was also, obviously to those in the know, a nod at his new moonlight team.

Felicity, feeling obvious guilt about Rory, AKA Ragman, who was from Haden Rock, finally goes to him and comes clean about the fateful nuke. She tells him that it had an alternate target and someone re-routed it to Haden Rock to minimize deaths and that was her doing. Rory understandably doesn’t take that well and takes off.

We end with Lyla, John Diggles wife, coming to see Oliver to tell him that John Diggle is back in the states, that things are not good and she has come to him to bail John Diggle out of prison. The previews from next week show that Arrow’s team doesn’t seem to be on board with that plan and will try to stop him from breaking into the prison.