It’s just 365 days until the movie The Dark Tower is out. The first movie in a series of seven (yes, there are seven books) and the 60th! Stephen King movie. Now I know it takes ages before the film is released, and  the trailer takes some time to arrive. But here is why you should watch the trailer over and over again when it’s released, and spend camping before the cinema, at least, a week to see the movie as one of the firsts.

1. The Story
The Dark Tower centers on Roland Deschain, one of the last Gunslingers in the world. Roland follows a dark man trough a desert in a place known as Mid-world and saves a young boy named Jake, who joins him on his travel to the Dark Tower.The more the story proceeds it becomes increasingly fantastical while blending elements of westerns and fantasy.

2. It’s a Stephen King Movie
Stephen king is known for his amazing dark stories, and that is something that always shows in his movies. Almost everything King writes is good, so why wouldn’t the movie adaption of The Dark Tower be good.

3. Cast
Most of the cast members aren’t announced yet. But it is confirmed Idris Elba will be playing the role of Deschain. Elba is known for this role as Nelson  Mandela in Long Walk to Freedom and for playing Heimdall in the Marvel movie universe. Matthew McConaughey was offered to play both the gunslinger as well as the villain Walter Padick, AKA The Man In Black, but choose the latter.

That’s it! Not much is known at this point yet, but I hope I have made you a little more excited for The Dark Tower to come out!