Hello everyone! Welcome back to TGON plays! Don’t panic, you read
that right! I’ll be reviewing a smartphone game.  This is a relatively
new area for me to be writing about, but for you guys, I’m willing to
push the limits of my comfort zones.

So, you’ve probably all
heard of Felix Kjellberg, but! You probably know him better as the
famous gaming youtuber, PEWDIEPIE! Pewds is well known for his goofy
antics and hilarious personality, reactions, and remarks during his
videos. He’s also well known for calling his fans “Bros” and signing off
with a bro-fist to the camera lens. But have you heard that Pewds came
out with a badass phone app called Pewdiepie: legend of the brofist? It
features our favorite internet nerd, along with his long time girlfriend
Marzia Bisognin, more adorably known as CutiePie, as well as their
pugtastic dogs, Edgar and Maya.

The game starts out in the
Bro-Family’s home, where they’re attacked by a group of evil barrels.
Pewds had just signed off on a vlog, where he taught the bro army “how
to make bread using your buttcheeks.” To his horror, his most recent
video had zero views. The Barrel King busts in and tells Pewdiepie that
his Bro-Army of fans have been kidnapped so that the King can learn
about the power of the Legendary Brofist.

Pewdiepie escapes
the attack and goes on a mission to not only rescue his fans, but learn
about the Brofist and why the Barrel King wants it.

Not only
are the controls easy to handle, but in this game you can unlock and
switch characters, purchase power ups, and access health boosts. The
level selection is a map and reminds me of the Super Mario Bros. map. As
a gamer, I can appreciate and recognize that Poodz knows the importance
of a well-made game. This game is VERY well made. From it’s colorful,
modernized 8-bit style graphics to the intriguing storyline and
hilarious dialogue, it captured and entranced me. I haven’t beaten it
yet but you can bet your booty I’ll get there.

At this point,
I do want to inform you all that this game is still relatively new, and
so has to be purchased. It’s available for both IPhone and Android, and
if my sources are accurate, the price doesn’t vary. It’s $4.99 but it’s
WELL worth the purchase. I hope you guys will at least go check it out
and determine for yourself whether it’s worth purchasing. (It is, I
swear.) I hope you enjoyed this review, thanks for reading!