The New Year is upon us! Many people will make resolutions to become more active, break bad habits, or learn a new skill—and while we can do all that too, let’s also make nerdy resolutions to keep the year fun.

1. Attend a convention you’ve never been to. January is the perfect time to start researching local—and not-so-local—fandom conventions. Maybe you’d like to start small, and find a con in your area that you haven’t had the time to attend. Or maybe you’ve always wanted to attend a big-name con, like SDCC or Star Wars Celebration. Either way, it’s a great time of year to look at your options and make some tentative plans.

2. Binge-watch something. Sherlock? School Spirits? Wednesday? Whether it’s a rewatch or a series that’s new to you, make a point of sitting down and binge-watching at least two episodes in a row.

3. Read a book that’s in a different genre than you’re used to. Expanding your reading horizons can be tough, but you’ll never know unless you try! If you’re a fantasy or sci-fi fan, try realistic fiction. If you’re a die-hard YA reader, pick up something New Adult and see how it goes. You just might find your new favorite book!

4. Watch the oldest thing on your watchlist. You know that one movie or show that’s been on your watchlist for so long, you have the thumbnail memorized? Watch it. Watch it now!

5. Revisit your favorite childhood movie. If you’re a nerd today, you were probably a nerd as a kid. Go rewatch your favorite movie and remind yourself of your childhood obsession! Even if you don’t get quite the same high now as you used to, the nostalgia will keep you smiling the whole way through.

6. Get a friend into something you love. The best thing a nerd can do is get their friend invested in the same fandom. Then you won’t need to turn to tumblr when you want to freak out over the latest trailer or comic release. You can fangirl/boy in person! How fun is that?

7. Get into something your friend loves. That nerdy joy works both ways. Take a friend’s recommendation and run with it! You might end up with a brand-new obsession.

8. Do something fandom DIY. Make an awesome cosplay, even if you’re not attending a convention! Bake a dessert based on your favorite show! Knit a friend or family member something that aligns with one of their fandoms! You can learn a new skill and have nerdy fun at the same time.

9. Play an old video game that you’ve always wanted to try. The best thing I did during 2022 was download and play through Knights of the Old Republic. Is there an old game that you’ve always heard of, but never gotten around to playing? See if it’s still available for purchase or download! Even if the graphics are a little outdated, I bet you’ll have fun.

10. Throw a fandom or watch party. Are there any big premieres you’re looking forward to in 2024? Schedule a watch party with your crew! Or, if you’re heading to the theatre, plan a fandom party before or after going. If you celebrate before, you’ll add to everyone’s excitement about getting to see the premiere. If you celebrate after, you’ll get to discuss every plot point and character choice in detail. Sounds perfect!

However you choose to celebrate the New Year, keep these nerdy resolutions on-hand to combine your favorite fandoms with everyday life. Happy 2024!