Ben’s Death

Photo Source: (The Umbrella Academy at Ben’s funeral)

 In the previous episode of The Umbrella Academy Season 2 Episode 9: “743” Review we saw Ben’s spirit fade away after saving Vanya from her memories. It was an emotional departure because this season we got to know Ben more. In this episode, we saw Ben’s funeral. As emotional as it is to lose a loved one, Sir. Hargreeves managed to turn his death into a lesson. He blamed The Umbrella Academy for Ben’s death. I still can’t wrap my mind around the idea of an alien being a deadbeat father and a narcissist. I was hoping that we would get a glimpse of the day that Ben died so that we could see what could’ve been avoidable in the eyes of Sir. Hargreeves. Thanks to alcohol infused young Klaus, Ben never “went to the light”. He told Ben that it would always be there and right he was.

The Setup At The Farm

Photo Source: (Vanya, Diego, Luther, Allison, and Five hiding from the F.B.I.)

For once, the siblings have come together to help Vanya on her mission to save Harlan. I noticed that the farm was the only area in town covered in snow, Vanya’s power must have a weather effect under certain emotions. It’s been had for Vanya to explain the craziness to Sissy, but luckily she submitted to letting The Umbrella Academy help. The Handler and Lila then made their appearance known along with an army of assassins from the commission. It was a war I didn’t see the family winning until their secret weapon was used. Turns out, Vanya isn’t the only one with powerful abilities

Photo Source: (Lila and The Handler)

Another surprise in this season was discovering that Lila also has powers in this episode. Not only is she a threat to the world like Vanya and Harlan, but she can also mirror everyone’s powers. This proved that The handler didn’t take Lila in because she wanted to be a mother, she did it to use Lila as a weapon. The handler is no different than Sir. Hargreeves. The woman even had the nerve to take Harlan. I questioned Lila’s love for Diego numerous times, but I got my answer when she was willing to kill the Handler for killing Diego. She knew five told the truth about her setting up her parents to die. It seemed like The Handler won the war until five took his father’s advice and decided to go back in time by minutes instead of years. Those few minutes saved his family and took out the handler. The remaining Swedish assassin called a truce.

Although The Umbrella Academy made it out of the farm alive, they still didn’t get a happy ending. Vanya was able to extract her powers from Harlan, but Sissy decide that it was not safe for them to be together in the future. Allison had to leave behind her husband. Lila left Diego and Klaus was just still being Klaus. Luck struck when Herb returned to give them a briefcase to travel back to 2019. The time jump was successful, but what they saw was unbelievable. Sir Hargreeves was alive, ben was alive, and The Umbrella Academy was no more. It was now the Sparrow Academy.

Rating: 5/5

This episode was filled with so much action, I couldn’t contain my excitement. I loved that the family finally came together for Vanya’s cause and that she is slowly learning how to control her powers on her own. The handler finally received her karma, which was something that I was looking forward to. Hopefully, she is down for good this time because I couldn’t believe she was able to survive a bullet wound to the head. The most important thing that I loved about this episode is the amount of action we fans have to look forward to in the next season. In many movies and TV shows, time travel is known for being fragile. That being said, The Umbrella Academy contributed to numerous time-altering events that lead to Sir. Hargreeves being alive in the future and forming the Sparrow Academy.

He said that he was expecting them, I wondered what his intentions are to his old family. Lila is also on the loose with no family or guidance. Hopefully, she will return to Diego in the next season with no hate in her heart. Maybe she will go back in time to stop five from killing her parents. We also have to worry about Harlan. He’s another young Vanya, but without her, he could be the cause of the next doomsday. Remember in The Umbrella Academy, it’s always the end of the world.

*It’s official, The Umbrella Academy has been renewed for another season*
