February is a time most associate with the Super Bowl, a time full of beer, nachos, and throwing around the ol’ pigskin. Those of us that hate even the idea of running usually focus on the hilarious commercials however, there was one commercial that warmed my cold black heart. Microsoft unveiled their Xbox Adaptive Controller and the amazing kids that they are geared for. Check out the commercial here and be ready to hug your nearest companion, human or otherwise.

Xbox Adaptive Controller and accessories

Source: Microsoft

The Xbox Adaptive Controller is meant to help those with limited mobility enjoy the games most of us take for granted. It is a device that looks like a slim laptop but instead of opening, it has two large toggle buttons, a directional pad, address bar button, power button, and a show menu button. This is just the base for the coolest idea Microsoft has had to date, this hub has 20 jacks for a myriad of attachments including, but not limited to, switches, joysticks, and buttons. This controller allows for complete customization that can allow to join in the fun.

Xbox Adaptive Controller hub

Source: Microsoft

Microsoft knows that without assistive technologies, it can be difficult for some players to play with their families. Therefore, the Xbox Adaptive Controller has many of the same features as a regular controller including wireless connectivity, Bluetooth, USB, Copilot and a headset jack. Players can look forward to a release date later this year and can expect the starting price to be around $100 USD.

Xbox Adaptive Controller side

Source: Microsoft

After I did some digging, I found that this isn’t the only product Microsoft has created that boasts amazing accessibility features. They make computers for those with dyslexia, ADHD, autism, are color blind or hard of hearing, quadriplegia, and so much more. Microsoft even holds webinars, so individuals can learn how to use their technology as well as webcasts for businesses to make their documents more user friendly for everyone. For more information, please head on over to their website.

Xbox Adaptive Controller set up

Source: Microsoft

Microsoft’s commercial brought me a sense of calm, even though the world is chaotic and messy, there are still people who care about others. I get that video games won’t change the world, but for some people, Microsoft completely opened theirs. I wholeheartedly welcome our new gamers with open arms and look forward to seeing where the future takes us. In the end, as Microsoft (2019) would say, “When everybody plays, we all win”.