Jamila Rowser is a former blogger of “Girl Gone Geek”, co-founder of “Geek Girl Brunch”, and comic writer of ‘Wobbledy 3000’ and ‘Wash Day’. Her passion for writing later brought her into the comic world where she expresses her geekiness at its max. Jamila originally created her comics for black women but enjoys the fact that it has become something that everyone can enjoy. Her passion has also driven her to get involved in other projects that would accelerate her love for creating geek content for African Americans.

TGON Arganise: First of all before we get into this interview I would like to say that I really enjoyed you speak at the panel. As a fellow Blerd, I’m proud that you’ve created comics that are relatable. I’ve always enjoyed diversity and it feels very comforting to know that there are comics being created about African Americans. It’s not even just about race, it’s about the fact that the material is out there for anyone to purchase and learn. Exploring different cultures is something that I’ve always held myself accountable for. I don’t think I’m quick to judge or critique something that I don’t know about and that’s why I like to learn. I can’t tell you about a situation in someone’s shoes if I’ve never been in them. Being able to read comics about different genders, sexualities, fantasies, and ethnicities, I find a new perspective in an entertaining way. We as people don’t have to be like, we don’t have to be appreciated, but we are here and that’s what should be known. Prior to your panel, I purchased both of your books “Wash Day” and “Wobbledy 3000 and read them. I was truly amazed, but what really drew me to your table was seeing a butt on the cover of your comic. Your sci-fi twerking comic is just genius.

Jamila R: Well thank you, I really appreciate you stopping by and making a purchase. I agree with you about diversity in comics and that’s why I’m here. I wanted to create something that women could look forward to reading, I mean it’s not every day you see a comic about an alien wanting to twerk the night away at a sci-fi nightclub.

TGON Arganise: Yes you’re right about that haha, but I also enjoyed wash day. I felt like this comic book is something every black woman should be able to see. I know the struggle of washday because I wash my hair every Sunday. I felt a lot like your character Kim who spent the day performing a long hair routine to maintain beautiful kinky curly hair. My wash day is exactly like hers except I would do anything but leave the house. As someone with 4b hair (That is my curl pattern type), I do completely understand the struggle of a wash day, but it is relaxing. I love how you reflected the beauty of black hair in this comic, I hope other blerds get their hands on this book.

Jamila R: Again thank you. I’m an afro-latina and I also have some curls of my own that I have to deal with on wash day. I felt like this comic would touch the minds of those women who like to make themselves feel special by taking care of their hair. The natural hair movement is big now and this is my contribution to that and to those women who have a hard time loving their natural hair. Your wash day isn’t just about your hair, it’s about loving you as you are.

TGON Arganise: That is so inspiring and I can’t wait to see more. My first question for you is what brought you to Comique Con this year?

Jamila R: I was asked to be a featured guest, but one of the founders of this event is also part of my organization Geek Girl Brunch which is an organization for women to meet up and talk about comics, anime, and to just make friends.

TGON Arganise: I’ve never heard of that and now I’m upset that I haven’t! That is so cool, I don’t have any friends so that’s a great opportunity to make some.

Jamila R: definitely, the women are just so great and passionate about fandom, it’s kinda hard to not want to be apart of the crowd. It was so fun to travel since Geek Girl Brunch is a worldwide organization, I’m actually from Florida.

TGON Arganise: Really? I did not know that. I actually thought you were from here.
Jamila R: Nope, I love my hot weather haha.
TGON Arganise: So can you tell me any interesting facts about yourself?
Jamila R: So, my mom was in the air force that made me a military brat. I went all over the world, I’ve visited England, Hawaii, California, and some other beautiful places, but the Bronx is my hometown. That’s what I like to call my home.
TGON Arganise: Well traveling has to be fun, I can only imagine what kind of adventures you’ve had. I want to know what makes you stand out in the comic world?
Jamila R.: Well, I’m not too sure, I mean I hope I stand out, but I think the stories that I’m trying to tell are more directed towards black women. Of course, I want other people to read it besides black women, but that has been my main audience and who I’ve created it for, I hope that black women will see themselves in my comics to make me stand out in that way.
TGON Arganise: Well like I said, I consider myself a Blerd and it’s fantastic to know that there is a material made for us and everyone else who would like to learn about us, Do you have any new projects that you’re working on?
Jamilla R: So, Wobbledy 3000 I actually debuted here and it’s a sci-fi twerking tale, but I’m also working on another comic that I can’t quite announce yet. It’s going to be about disorders like anxiety and depression so it’s going to be very different from what I wrote so far, but I’m excited.
TGON Arganise: Well, now I can’t wait either, it is truly going to be inspiring to anyone that has to deal with those issues and hopefully it sheds a better light on mental health. I think you’re extremely talented and I can’t wait to see you grow. I would love to see more of you in comic book stores as well as these other talented women.
Jamila R: Thank you and I hope that we will all get more support to make that happen.