Photo source: Netflix

This week, Netflix released a second trailer for Season 2 of it’s Lemony Snicket adaptation, and it looks…well, unfortunate. In the most fantastic way possible. (Makes perfect sense, right?)

“Don’t make the same mistake Netflix has, and look away,” our beloved narrator Mr. Snicket warns us, from a small screen at the start of the trailer – to be cut short by Neil Patrick Harris’s Count Olaf… “Ugh, this marketing is so Season 1… Let’s try this my way.”

he trailer teases at the next 4 books in the series, as well as revealing, briefly, Nathan Fillion supposedly in the role of another Mr. Snicket…

See it for yourself here:

Season 2 is set to be released on March 30. After seeing this trailer, we are even more excited, which doesn’t even seem possible!

What was your reaction to it? Let us know in the comments!