interlocking cubes lego

Source: Hilary Page Toys

In 1932, Ole Kirk Christiansen of Denmark, created a wooden toy that resembled bricks in his workshop. Inspired by the term leg godt, play well, Christiansen named his company Lego. These wooden bricks would later be made of plastic and enjoyed by children all over the globe. The Lego empire not only creates building blocks, and interlocking bricks, but video games and even movies. The Lego Movie quickly became a cult classic in 2014, leaving children and adults alike in awe. Hold onto your hats and glasses, The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part is heading to theaters February 8, 2019!

the lego movie 2

Source: Screen Rant

Everything was awesome at the climax of the original The Lego Movie, however The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part has some crazy twists. A new enemy is afoot, the Lego Duplo invaders that rip apart their world at the speed of light. Emmet Brickowski, (Chris Pratt), teams up with Wyldstyle, (Elizabeth Banks), and Vitruvius, (Morgan Freeman), to save the day! With Wyldstyle and Vitruvius being Master Builders there is nothing this team can’t accomplish. They work with Batman, (Will Arnett) find hidden realms, and even meet a ghost. It appears this movie will be even more jam packed than the last, filled with humor and pop culture.

emmet screaming lego movie

Source: Nerdcore

When Ole Kirk Christiansen was working in his workshop, surely, he had no idea his creation would become a world-wide phenomenon. Over 400 billion bricks created since 1949, it’s safe to say Lego isn’t going anywhere any time soon. With The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part in theaters, I look forward to crazy gun fights (I love hearing the “pew pews”) and some exciting dance numbers. In the end, I’m looking forward to the next instalment of The Lego Movie and hope it’s as amazing as the last.