Every year we look forward to Fresh Off the Boat’s special holiday episodes, and we are never disappointed. This year is no exception, although the titular storyline of Eddie working a new job on Halloween was the least impressive part of a great episode. That isn’t to say it didn’t give good scenes, we just don’t think it was utilized to its potential–a common criticism we have for Eddie’s scenes. Credit where credit is due: Seeing Eddie mature is a lot better than seeing him constantly irresponsible, but they made Trent a little too annoying and borderline unlikable by constantly making messes and blocking his friend’s first potential sale. We wanted to see Eddie succeed, not be sabotaged.

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We thoroughly enjoyed watching Jessica and Louis babysit for Honey and Marvin, and how much trouble baby Maria caused them. As always, grandma Huang stole the show when she dropped the bomb that when weaning Emery from his pacifier that her secret trick was whiskey, but also her Freddy Kreuger claws being actual blades and destroying Maria’s pacifier was equally hilarious (as was her flat out “no” when Louis asked her to take them off). We didn’t particularly care for Louis’ need to constantly change costumes and were about as fed up with it as Jessica, however them attempting to inpersonate Honey and Marvin at the end was worth it.

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We kind of miss seeing the rest of Eddie’s friends, and the show ahs yet to show any of the boys at school this year so we are curious how thinga are developing without Nicole and the dynamic between Evan an Emery. Speaking of the younger of the two Huang siblings, we just adored their duo costume of Mulder and Scully and seeinf them back in a groove together. Even their storyline had strong meat to it and was both hilarious and a perfect end to the halloween episode –one thing though–if the Harry Potter books had only been out a few months it means a movie wasn’t in the works yet and a Hernione Granger costume would have been a very bizarre occurrence — so warning to the writers to watch their timeline. But it was funny enough we forgive them and want more Fresh Off the Boat asap!