The summer television desert is well upon us but one show emerges to pull viewers through the sultry season and keep them on the couch in front of the air conditioner – Preacher. Season three returns to bring sexy back to Southern Gothic drama and to keep us all from going outside to enjoy the sunlight.

Season three, episode three – Gonna Hurt – Tulip is queen. Despite her best efforts to help Jesse get his soul back (after royally messing up his best efforts in episode 2), the Grail headquarters is empty. God shows up and points out that he can always count on Tulip to screw up, which prompts her to find God so that she can kick his ass. Tulip does get some interesting information on Jesse’s blood debt to Gran’ma and we learn what not to do with your bloodstained handkerchief when you’re trying to regain control of your soul.

This thing between Tulip and Cassidy is getting to be the bane of the season for me already, so when Cassidy goes in with Gran’ma to obtain a love potion I die a little inside and cringe. Later in the episode as Jesse starts to fall back into old family habits, Gran’ma makes a cool reference to the comics when she asks Jesse if he wants to get back in the coffin. For those of you who followed Preacher in comic format, that’s a deep reference. Get it? See what I did there? Yeah . . . I’ll see myself out. The episode ends with Cassidy and Jesse’s old teacher poised for a fight to the death in order to save Cassidy’s undead life after his secret is discovered by the family.  Hopefully by next week something about all of this drama will unhinge the awkwardness between Jesse, Tulip, and Cassidy. Until then, folks!

The Game of Nerds coverage of season three of Preacher started a little late this season so next week I’ll review episode 4 and keep at it until we catch up with the really real world.