This week we’ll discuss the lovely family that is the Potter family. Consisting out of our favorite hero Harry Potter, his lovely wife Ginevra Potter (née Weasley), their sons James Sirius, Albus Severus and their daughter Lily Luna. We’ve already seen a glimpse of this family in the epilogue of Deadly Hallows when they put James and Albus on the train towards Hogwarts 19 years after the battle of Hogwarts.



In the play, Harry will be played by Jamie Parker, Ginny is played by Poppy Miller and Albus is played by Sam Clemmett. Now here is my first point of criticism, because where are James and Lily in this story? Everywhere I look I see Harry, Ginny, and Albus, but no sign of the other two potter siblings. Now if the story is staged in and around Hogwarts, then it makes sense for Lily not to be there. She was born somewhere between 1 September 2007 and 31 August 2008, making her too young to attend Hogwarts in 2017. But James is the eldest son and a year older than Albus, meaning around the time of the play he would’ve been in his second year. So why isn’t he in the family photo that has been released to the public? I secretly hope that he will be present in the play because it would feel weird not having him there and make Albus appear as an only child.


Source: Tumblr

If we take a look at how the actors are looking in the role of their characters, I can tell that I find Harry and Ginny perfectly cast. The actor playing Harry really reminds me of the actor playing his father James Potter in the movies. (although it’s not the same actor). Also, Poppy Miller makes a great, older Ginny in my eyes. Although Sam looks a lot different than the Albus appearing in the epilogue, I quite like how he looks and I think he would make a great Albus.



Just like J.K. Rowling said: ’There’s much I could say about Sam-as-Albus, but we’d be into spoiler territory so quickly I’ll just say we couldn’t have cast better.’



What do you think about the casting? Or maybe you’ve already seen the actors in their roles, we’d love to hear what you think!

Come back next week for my thoughts on the Weasley family!
