
Photo Source: Vulture

Episode Synopsis:

Suzanne spirals out of control; Taystee and Piper look for ways to honor Poussey’s memory.



Yellow drink

I felt bad for Penns in this episode. The whole time, she was trying to do her community service, by handing out her mom’s recipe of “yellow drink,” and Leanne and Angie had to get revenge, by peeing in it. At this point, I’m just annoyed with Leanne and Angie because they have nothing to do, and since Penns technically didn’t shoot Leanne, they feel like they need to get revenge on her anyway. It’s interesting to see that at the beginning of this series, all three of them were friends, but at this point, the tables have turned.


It’s sad to see Suzanne struggle with her day to day life because you really do feel for her. She’s having a hard time adjusting to a schedule that is now nonexistent, and Alison and Cindy decide to take matters into their own hands. They decide to make up a schedule for Suzanne and have the guards play along against their will. It’s awesome to see that role reversal, because now the guards see how difficult it is to live in prison with disrespectful guards (being played by Alison and Cindy). I hope now, if the guards ever get hired again, they can realize the right and wrong way to treat inmates.


Since the inmates have a lot of time on their hands, Piper has a good idea, that the inmates should put their energy towards something creative. Taystee wants to have a proper memorial for Poussey, so they decide to ask inmates to come up with ideas. First off, Flaca and Maritza decide to give some inmates makeovers and those scenes were so satisfying to watch, because Flores, Nicky and Alex looked amazing after their transformations. Especially Flores, because she looked like a totally different person. In the cafeteria, inmates were spitting out ideas to Piper and Taystee, and they were all pretty terrible. It wasn’t until Brook gave a proposal to create an art installation, that Taystee told her to give it a go. And low and behold, her creation was magical. I think it really would have been something Poussey would have loved. It was an art installation of books from the library; Poussey’s favorite place. After walking through it a little bit, Brook and Taystee ended up apologizing to each other and it made me happy to see that one fight ended up being reconciled. It was for the greater good of Poussey.


Pretty keen on the fact that she’s pregnant, Lorna decides to tell Vinnie the good news. She FaceTimes him, but before she can tell him the news, he tells her that he’s coming for her. Lorna eventually decides to create a sign telling Vinnie that she’s pregnant, but while talking to Daya, Lorna keeps on getting told that having a baby sometimes isn’t a good thing. Usually the father runs. Yea, it was a pretty bad idea on Lorna’s part to tell Daya, because she knows first hand, the problems a pregnant inmate can face. Being the crazy person that she is, Lorna still makes the sign for Vinnie and like that, he drives away in his car. Ouch. I can’t even imagine what kind of parents they would be. Probably all over the place. And who knows if their relationship is going to last once Lorna finally gets out. I wonder if Vinnie will be able to handle her 24/7.

Coffee shop

I guess creativity was running through Litchfield during this episode, because two of the newer latin inmates decide to open up a coffee shop. Word gets out about the shop and the inmates start flooding in. At a certain point, the group of inmates decide to have a little talent show and some of the inmates that went up there, were really good. The Latina who did the impressions was amazing! She was spot on and she even did the mannerisms well. But of course good things sometimes have to come to an end, and once the coffee ran out, the brawls started again.

Boo & Linda

There wasn’t much of them in the episode, but they did take their relationship to the next level, even if it seems that Linda is faking her affection for Boo. I think it’s starting to get into dangerous territory because now Boo is really falling for Linda and still has no idea who Linda really is.

Flores & Red

Some pivotal moments happen for Flores and Red because Red finds Humps’s phone and wants to get in contact with Piscatella. But first, they have to get Humps’s fingerprint. They find him in medical and Red goes way over the top because she actually thinks it’s reasonable to cut off Humps’s finger, so they have it at all times. I mean he is in a vegetative state at this point, but still, it’s so unethical. But once they get into his phone, they actually do text Piscatella. That’s just the first step to get his attention.


Poor Gloria was having the time of her life, when at the end of the episode, she gets a text  saying that her son is in the hospital. That’s never a good sign. And it especially sucks for her because she can’t be by his side.